Tuesday 5 June 2007

an invite to join dD

hi everybuddy,
this is megz with a pretty serious message
there's apparently a shortage of monobenzone, this would be dire to those without an alternate source
firstly, i always advice against purchasing items from cruddy looking vendor websites, NEVER get that desperate
those online, prepared to make bucks off of your misfortune is the one place you should never resort to
no need think about them selling you unpure items or watered down creams, you probably already know as much
rather, think of them, much like you, buying direct to save money
only, you'll not then try to sell on for an outrageous profit

dD's are currently unaffected by the shortage, free from worry and happily depigging at a fraction of the cost because we compound ourselves
please don't be a stranger, join our forum, learn from us and share your knowledge with us
the segregating is useless, we all want the same goal = to feel proud about our skin!

no need for allegiances, why shun away from gathering knowledge which will benefit your best interests
dD = depigdistrict = http://depigdistrict.proboards59.com