Sunday 19 August 2007

skin and scars

i'll shortly be headed off for surgery
the main thing on my mind is scars - i don't want them! lol
so.. here's some of my research

snail slime:

Helix Aspersa Baba Snail Slime Gel 30ml

The active ingredients regenerates skin cells giving an incredible and wonderful effect smoothing out your skin. The active ingredients in Helix Aspersa is rich in various vitamins and minerals which it uses to repair its own shell. It is widely used in medicine, dermatology and cosmetic areas with optimum results.

What is the rich biological ingredient that yields those amazing results?

Read carefully, for what we are about to reveal can not only help you prevent and erase stretch marks and scars but may lead you to a lifetime of healthy skin. We guarantee you’ve never heard anything like it!


Our BIOSKINCARE products embody this all-natural ingredient that has been known for its healing and restorative powers since antiquity, in ancient Greek times, and praised by Hippocrates himself, the father of modern medicine in the 4th Century, as a "sovereign remedy to treat pain related to burns, abscesses and other wounds". ( The Hippocratic Oath pertaining to the ethical practice of Doctors is authored by Hippocrates).

Since the 19th century there has been renewed interest in the pharmaceutical and medical use of snails, particularly for dermatological applications. But the most common purpose for raising escargots (snails) in modern times has been for food. That is, until people at a snail farm in Chile noticed that their handlers had exceptionally smooth hands, and any cuts or abrasions healed unusually quickly and without scarring.

This happens to be the ONLY substance in NATURE, created by a living creature to protect, moisturize, repair, and regenerate its own skin whenever wounded. It even regenerates its eyes with almost complete recovery of function when bitten by birds or large insects. It is even more amazing to find its skin is made with the same structural elements that human skin is made of: collagen, elastin, water holding molecules, etc.—

According to scientific breakdown the substance secreted by snails to regenerate their skin is a biological compound of complex glyco or sugar chain molecules bound to proteins, peptides, enzymes, coenzymes and oligoelements.

The snail we collect the secretion from is of the species Helix Aspersa Müller, also known as the humble brown garden snail. Using proprietary technology, no harm is inflicted upon the snails during the labor-extensive gathering process.

The fluid mucin produced by these snails has high Antioxidant Activity, which helps the snail to protect its body from oxygen radicals when it comes out of hibernation and from the effects of solar UVA radiation as it thrives exposed nude to the sun rays and the hazards of the environment, pretty much like we go around exposing our nude face. For human skin the glycoprotein secretion obtained from the gastropod Helix Aspersa Müller, also bears high Antioxidant Activity based on its ability to capture free radicals and is able to inhibit the production of free radicals in the skin. In addition, it bears superoxide dismutase as well as gluthation-S-transferase activities which are strong antioxidants.

The secretion also contains antimicrobial peptides and triggers the proliferation of antimicrobail peptides which protect the snail from beeing affected by attacks from opportunistic micro-organisms always ready to intrude when skin is injured. Now, isn't that truly amazing! As a result, snails never suffer from skin infections – can you imagine?

Antimicrobials help to control acne and the other effects of the biological ingredient help to quickly repair lesions to the cells lining the hair follicles and to unblock cloged pores, so you can use the product to keep acne at bay while pregnant.

more info here

Silgel® has been developed to extend the concept of gel therapy by utilizing high molecular weight silicone gel (polysiloxane). The purity of material used to create Silgel® and the simplicity of application enhances the product's efficacy and clinical performance.

Though primarily developed for the management of hypertrophic and keloid scarring, the potential of Silgel® extends itself into additional diverse areas.

Silicone, available either as a gel or in rubber-like sheets, has been found to lighten and flatten scars. You apply the gel directly to the scar or use medical tape to cover the scar with the silicone sheet. It isn't known exactly how silicone helps scars heal — some researchers think that static electricity from the silicone helps align collagen fibers in the scar, while others think it might help trap moisture, which can help make scars fade.


aka Polysiloxanes
is the clinical gold standard for scar treatment and scar prevention having demonstrated clinical efficacy over all other forms of topical treatments and is recommended by the “International Advisory Panel on Scar Management” as the first line therapy for these types of scars.

Panthenol (also known as provitamin B5) is the perfect addition to the Scar Gel because of its ability to aid in tissue repair and increase cell regeneration.
Panthenol is also an excellent, deep penetrating moisturizer.

Liposomes help to increase the penetration of ingredients to the deepest layers of the skin. Since scars are caused by damage to the underlying layer of the skin, it is essential that all the active ingredients are able to penetrate to the deeper skin layers where they can exert their effects.

You are going to think this is wierd, but it really works. Castor oil, rubbed on the stretch marks three times a day. Feels a little odd at first, but works great. I though it was funny till I did it. I am getting my first bikini this year. I have had two pregnancies and had stretch marks on my legs scince I was a teenager. Diet and exercise hepls celulite, but I dont know about stretch marks. Zinc supplements might help too. They are good for scars and stuff like that. Doesnt hurt to try. I am 5 foot three and my weight got up to 183 pounds. I know all about stretch marks. I lost more than a quarter of my body weight last year. More to go, but my skin looks better. Hope this helps

more info

products to wet the appetite

future prospects artificial skin
Results showed that the laboratory made skin was fully integrated after just 28 days, and had produced a closed and healed wound site.

The off-the-shelf skin replacement product is said to be revolutionary for patients affected by burns and skin damage, with the cosmetic implications beneficial for consumers who wish to avoid the painful process of skin grafts.

Terproline® is a group of products designed to assist in scar reduction and recovery from numerous dermatological procedures. Used before and/or after many cosmetic procedures it can improve recovery times by up to 50%. As shown in clinical trials..
Terproline® Professional Creams provides the raw materials for making more elastin (fibronectine) and collagen while also stimulating the fibroblasts, the cells in the skin that convert these raw materials into collagen and elastin. This improves skin structure and can be used to heal and whiten acne scars. This is the professional range clinically-trialled in burns units to reduce burn scars and also by plastic surgeons to reduce operation scars. It is also used by laser resurfacing clinics to reduce erythema and improve healing times from 10 to 3 weeks following full facial resurfacing. It can also be used to improve the results and reduce the complications of any treatment that challenges the skins integrity such as physical peeling, light and laser treatments and also injections such as Botox and Fillers.

  • The use of lavender oil as a healer for many illnesses was discovered in 1937 by the French chemist Rene Maurice Gattefosse.
Although skeptical about treatments by natural herbs, he was fascinated by the properties that essential oils had. Once, in 1910, when he burnt his hand severely, and treated it with pure lavender oil, it not only helped him by instantly easing the pain, but also healed the hand without any trace of scar or infection. That was the beginning of the popularity of lavender oil, and now it is one of the most widely used essential oils.

to be continued..............